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Next, you need to think about what you want to include on your website and how you want it to look. Before you start working with Createit, use the following tips to do some preparation. 

  • Research some other websites to give you an idea of what you can include in your site. Some examples are: 
  • A good start is to use the information that you already have in your Handbook, which covers all the mandatory content that you need to include. This will also help you to decide on the menu tabs for the homepage. 
  • Your logo will go on the homepage of your site and the colours should help you decide on the colour scheme for your site. 
  • Do you want to include a welcome message on the homepage?   It can be a short intro to your centre, giving visitors information about your establishment, your values and ethos and make them want to know more!    
  • Consider putting up a slideshow of photos or a video (if you have one). 
  • If you have a Twitter account, add a feed to your website - this can be a good way of keeping your site looking current and interesting without any additional work. 
  • Useful links are a good way to add value to your site – think about other sources of information or websites that your visitors will find helpful and provide links from your site. 
  • Think about what makes you unique – your site should reflect your centre and what makes it different.  Are there any awards, project or news stories that you would like to highlight on the homepage?